Dr. Rick Anderson is with us this morning to share God’s word. He preaches the gospel from Psalm 100.
8.3.19- Ruth 3- The Lovingkindness of Gol- Pastor Eric Schlukebir
In Ruth 3, Ruth proposes to Boaz, and we see how God’s hesed (lovingkindness) permeates the entire story of Ruth, and enables Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz to love each other well.
7.28.19 Missionaries Scott and Lisa Neumann
Scott and LIsa Neumann are missionaries in Lithuania. They are spending the summer here in the States. We are thankful to be able to partner with them in ministry, and they are going to give us an update on the ways in which they see God working in Lithuania.
7.21.19 Ruth 2- God's Good Law- Pastor Eric Schlukebir
In Ruth 2, we begin to see the ways that God is providing for Ruth and Naomi. His good law provides a means for Ruth to go into the field and glean behind the harvesters. But there is more going on in this passage in Ruth
7.14.19 Ruth 1- Hope in Affliction- Pastor Eric Schlukebir
We are starting a new series for the summer working through the book of Ruth. We will learn how God’s providence and love are always working for the good of his people.
7.7.19 Colossians 7. Pastor Eric Schlukebir
We have made it to the end of the book of Colossians. Paul gives one last word of instruction to the church. To pray, to be watchful, to and to look for God to give opportunities to share the gospel.
6.23.19-Colossians Part 4- Pastor Eric Schlukebir
Pastor Eric continues our Colossians series by preaching about how we should live, if what Paul has already said about us is true. If we have died with Christ, and raised with Christ, what should our lives look like.
6.16.19 -Great Stretchings- Elder Ken Ross
Ken Ross has been an elder at Grace Valley for many years, and a member his whole life. We are thankful for his willingness to be stretched and preach the word to us today. He is going to share with us some Biblical examples of God stretching his people.
5.26.19 Colossians Part 3- Freedom in Christ
Paul teaches the Colossians church what it means to view everything through the lens of the cross. To let the cross shape every aspect of our lives. To let Jesus be Lord over everything. And the result is freedom.
5.19.19- Dr. David Seymour
Dr. David Seymour, from Dekalb is with us this morning to preach the word. He taught us how God is bigger than the shipwrecks in our lives.
5.5.19 Colossians Part 1
Pastor Eric kicks off a new series on Colossians. We looks at how the gospels come to us, and leads to the fruit of the Spirit, particularly Love, Joy and Peace
4-28-19- Seeing God- Mike Moore
Mike Moore Pastor and Church planter is with us this morning. We are glad to have Mike with us for an update on his life and ministry.
Here is his sermon from John 20
4-21-19 Easter- "Jesus is closer than you think"- Pastor Eric Schlukebir
This Easter Sunday pastor Eric preaches on Jesus walking with the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. Why didn’t they recognize Jesus then, and how can we see him walking with us today?
4-14-19- Jesus is King- Pastor Eric Schlukebir
On Palm Sunday, Jesus rides into Jerusalem as king- on a donkey. Pilate rides into Jerusalem on his war horse. There are two kinds of rulers, two kinds of Kings. The question for us is- which one will you follow?
3.31.19 Jesus-The Prophet- Pastor Eric Schlukebir
This week we start a 3 week series on Jesus as Prophet, Priest and King. We are taking an overview look at how the Prophets functioned in the Israelite community, and how Jesus is the greater prophet.
3.24.19 Dr. Matt Snider
Our friend and brother Matt Snider is here preaching from 1 Timothy this morning. We are so thankful to have him as part of our church, and his willingness to share his teaching gifts with us.
3.17.19-Salt and Light-Pastor Eric Schlukebir
The last week in our transitions series, Pastor Eric preaches about Jesus’ words in Matthew 5 that we are salt and light. How does this impact the way that we walk out our calling as Children of God?
3.10.19- Gifts for the Church 2- Pastor Eric Schlukebir
This week Pastor Eric preached on the Spiritual gifts. Looking at various places in the New Testament where Paul describes gifts, we explored how we might know what our gifts are.
3.3.19 Gifts for the church- Pastor Eric Schlukebir
In Ephesians 4, Paul teaches that Jesus gives gifts to the church, in the form of equippers, who use their gifts to teach others to do the work of ministry.
2-24.19-Life Together- Pastor Eric Schlukebir
This week Pastor Eric preaches on Paul’s letter to Thessalonians, where he tells them that he “was delighted to share with them gospel, as well as his life.” We learn about what it means to not just be the church on Sunday, but that the church works best when we live our lives together throughout the week as God’s family.