Songs for Oct 7 - Chris, Carlene, Cassie, Ben, Maddie, Eric
This week's songs for Ryan, Jen, Rob and Tannis
Sept. 23 songs
Songs for the Park Service - Ben and Trenton - guitars, Carlene and Chris - vocals
Songs for Sept. 2 - Ben- Bass, Trenton - guitar, Chris and Carlene - vocals
Songs for August 19 - Ben - Bass, Trenton - guitar, Chris, Carlene, Jennifer - vocals
Songs for August 12.
Songs for July 29 and August 5
Practice will be on Sundays at 9:15 for these 2 weeks.
Songs for August 5. Practice is at 9:15 on Sunday.
Praise Team for July 15 and 22 is Carlene, Ryan, Priscilla, Tannis and Rob
Songs for July 15
This is the Day - the fast version
The closing song is "Bind Us Together/Blest Be the Tie that Binds"
Songs for July 22
For the next 2 weeks: practice is on Wednesday, June 13 at 7 pm for Rob, Jennifer, Trenton and Ken
Songs for June 17 - Communion
Songs for June 24
June 3 songs - Carlene, Ryan, Trenton, Ken
Practice at 7:00 for Chris, Ben, Maddie, Jen and Kim. Carlene to come at 7:30.
Songs for May 20
Songs for May 27
Let's try this one for an opening sometime:
Practice is on Thursday at 6:30 pm for Tannis, Trenton, Ryan and Priscilla
The closing song is Jesu, Jesu.
Songs for April 29
Listen to the harmony in Fairest, ladies. Go to it on the drums, Eric !!
Songs for April 22 See you all at 8:30.
Songs for April 15 - Rob will lead with guitar and sing, Trenton - guitar, Tannis - drums, Carlene sing. I will be at practice on Wednesday, but will be gone on Sunday.
The closing song is the Doxology
The closing song is "Near the Cross". You can listen to it here:
Scroll through the list to find it.