All photography provided by Jared Chambers
Missional Community
We believe that the church isn't what happens in a particular building on a Sunday, but a community of people allowing God to transform our entire lives in response to what God has done. We do our best to live as a family of missionary servants, sent to share the good news of Jesus Christ. On any given week you will find us gathering together on Sundays, serving in our community, and hanging out together as friends.
Jesus' Great Commission in Matthew 28 was that his disciples would make disciples (learners or followers) of all nations. The process of becoming a disciple of Jesus is a lifelong one that also includes discipling others. Our discipleship is done in "huddles" these are smaller groups gathering together to go deeper relationally than we can in our missional communities to care for each other, and to learn more about how to let the gospel impact our lives.
Corporate Worship
Coming soon!!! Details to follow